Page 7 - Citypoint Brochure
P. 7


                                                        INITIAL MEETING
                                                 Learning about you and
                                                               your goals
                                                   The first step is to meet
                                                     with you and find out
                                                     as much information             PREPARATION OF
                                                    as possible about your           RECOMMENDATIONS
                                                  personal situation, what           Developing your
                                                    your priorities are and          financial plan
                                                    your future objectives.          Using the information
                                                                                     you shared with us at our
                                                                                     initial meeting, alongside
                                                                                     cash flow modelling
                                                                                     and other tools, we will
                                                            DISCUSSION               assess your situation
                                                     Talking you through             and start making
                                                            your options             recommendations.
                                                    We’ll take you through
                                                    the potential solutions
                                                          we’ve identified,
                                                   outlining a plan for you
                                                   that will help you move           IMPLEMENTATION
                                                 forward and achieve your            Agreement, completion
                                                                    goals.           and processing of
                                                                                     Once agreed, we’ll go
                                                                                     through all the required
                                                                                     administration to
                                                                 REVIEW              implement your plan.
                                                   Keeping your plan on
                                                    Your financial planner
                                                 will review your situation
                                                     at least once a year to
                                                 check your plan is still on
                                                  track to meet your goals.
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